When you think about a nutritionist, you probably think about someone who knows the nutrition facts of every single ingredient, and she or he will help you lose some weight.
I have a secret for you: We can do much more.
As a nutritionist, I've spent the last three years studying biomedicine—anatomy, pathophysiology, biochemistry, and pharmacology. I had hundreds of clinical practice hours and was trained in reading and requesting complex pathology tests, some of which were unknown to the medical community. I can identify red flags, refer to a doctor, and support clients holistically through a healing journey.
Sometimes we work with weight loss, but most of the time, it is about educating people on their health condition and how food and other components can improve their well-being or prevent disease.
Although we use the same textbook and scientific research database as the medical students, we differ in some aspects:
No-no for diagnosis. Diagnoses are labels that the medical community uses to apply a protocol and prescribe medication. We do have the knowledge to identify the disease, but by law, we are not allowed to diagnose it, and that's ok.
Different specialisation. Most, if not all, nutritionists specialise in conditions rather than systems. We believe a disease process arises from imbalances within the whole body, not just one organ.
We don't treat symptoms. This news might come with the question, "Why would I choose a nutritionist, then?" Well, we focus on finding and addressing the root cause. Let's say you are suffering from an intermittent headache. We will not recommend paracetamol; instead, we will investigate and address the cause of your symptoms. It might be stress or a lack of magnesium in your diet. There are many possibilities, and we can only form a hypothesis and act on it by checking your medical history.
Prevention is better than cure. Did you know that less than 5% of all cancer diagnoses are related to your genetics? Cancer takes years to develop and is usually a response to poor immune function and bad lifestyle options. Most of them are preventable. This is true for most health conditions.
We use natural therapies to achieve our goals: substituting a specific food category, avoiding allergens, introducing supplements, herbal medicine, medicinal mushrooms, or making lifestyle changes. This means that the chances of side effects are significantly reduced.
We put you in charge; our most important tool is education. We empower you with knowledge, and once you understand your condition, you take action to improve your health.
You are unique. As I mentioned, we don't use diagnosis; we focus on your imbalances, genetics, health history, and mindset. We have some protocols, but your overall plan will be personalised to your condition.
This is not an exhaustive list, but the main idea is that during your consultation, expect to be seen by a knowledgeable professional who empathises with your struggles and wants to support you through your healing journey.
ALINE your HEALTH posts are managed by a nutritionist and are not intended to be used for medical diagnosis or treatment. Everything listed is designed for general consumer understanding. The information provided should never substitute medical advice.